What Should Be Included in Your Book’s Front Matter?

If you have a book, then you have a completed manuscript. But your work is far from over. It would help if you now compiled all the materials for printing and publication. The book’s front matter contains the information that will print on the title page, copyright page, and elsewhere in your book.

What Is The Front Matter?

The book’s front matter is the first part of a book, the pages before the main content. It can be used in any book, from novels to textbooks but it’s most commonly used in nonfiction books. It includes the title page, copyright notice, table of contents, and introduction. The book’s front matter is usually found on the first few pages, just after the title page. The purpose of the book’s front matter is to provide information about the author, publisher, and text.

The book’s front matter typically includes these elements:

  • Title and Subtitle

The first thing that has to appear in the book’s front matter is the title. It can be one to three words long, but it should be bold and easy to read. You may also include a subtitle for your book in this section. If you have one, it should be smaller than the title but easily readable.

  • Copyright Page

The copyright page appears before the book’s front matter and the text. It contains important legal information about how you want your work to be used by readers. When publishing a book for sale, this information will also appear on the back cover of every edition released by a professional publisher or self-published author. This page contains essential information about copyright and publishing rights, including obtaining permission to quote or reproduce copyrighted material from other sources. It also includes information about trademarks and registered designs.

  • Dedication

In a book dedication, you can dedicate your work to anyone you want. The commitment is usually located at the beginning of a book’s front matter. You can save your text for your parents, other family members, spouse, or even friends. You can also dedicate it to someone who has impacted your life or helped you succeed. For example, suppose an author wrote a book about overcoming depression and anxiety disorders because of her mentor’s advice. In that case, she might want to include her mentor’s name in this dedication section and thank him for helping her through difficult times.

  • Acknowledgments

The acknowledgment page is vital in your book. It’s where you thank those who helped you with your book. You can also include a special dedication to someone or something that inspired or motivated you during the writing process.

  • Table of Contents

The table of contents lists all the chapters and sections in your book. The table of contents allows readers to quickly find specific information within your book without reading through it all. It helps readers quickly find what they’re looking for in your book. It’s beneficial if they’re reading it on their phones or tablets; they can look at the TOC and jump right to the chapter they want to read.

  • Author Name

If you’re writing a book, use “By [Your Name Here].” If you’re writing a co-authored book, use “By [First Author’s Name Here] and [Second Author’s Name Here]” or “With [First Author’s Name Here] And [Second Author’s Name Here].” The order in which authors’ names appear on the book’s front matter will vary depending on whether they are listed as co-authors. If you are writing a self-help book or another type of nonfiction book, consider adding “[Edited By]” after your name(s).

If you are writing a series with multiple authors, include them all on the author page. As with titles and subtitles, these names should be bolded to stand out against the rest of your text.

  • Introduction

The introduction is a place to start if you’re unsure what to include in your book’s front matter. It’s also one of the most important sections because it helps readers decide whether they want to read more of your book.

An introduction should explain why you wrote the book and what they’ll learn from reading it. It should also summarize what will be covered in the rest of the book and give them a sneak peek at some of its content. The introduction should make people interested enough in your topic so that they want to keep reading about it!

  • Preface

The preface is a short introduction written by the author that tells readers why they should read this particular story or nonfiction book. It can also tell readers what inspired them to write this work or how long it took to finish it. Some authors also use this section to thank everyone who helped during their writing process, from family members who encouraged them along the way to people who advised them on writing better stories or nonfiction books.

  • Epigraph

An epigraph is a quotation at the start of a book. It’s meant to set the story’s tone and can also reference an idea or theme that will appear throughout the novel.

If you’re working on a nonfiction book, it’s important to remember that an epigraph can’t be just any old quote. It has to be relevant and meaningful, making the reader want to keep reading. For example, if your book is about surfing, you can use a line from Shakespeare’s The Tempest: “Good name in man and woman…Dost thrive, and blush not” as your epigraph to set the tone for what’s to come.

  • Prologue (If Necessary)

A prologue is an introductory section at the beginning of a book that gives background information about what happened before Chapter One begins. Sometimes prologues are used for historical fiction or fantasy novels; other times, they’re used for science fiction stories where time travel is involved (so we may see something happening in the future or past).

Prologues aren’t always necessary if you have an engaging first chapter that draws readers in immediately, then don’t feel like you need one.


It’s essential to include all relevant information in your book because it can help readers understand what they’re getting into with your work. It is where book marketing services can be beneficial. They can help you determine the most vital information to include in your book and how to present it in a clear and engaging way for your audience.

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